How to choose the engraving of your diamond ring ?
When you are on the product sheet to select the criteria of your ring, under the choices of metal color and your finger size, you can choose to have a personalized inscription engraved by checking the box "I wish to have my jewelry laser engraved. ". Your text can be composed of numbers and/or letters and must not exceed a maximum of 35 characters. If you wish to exceed this 35 character limit, you can let us know and we will see if it is feasible. The two options for the font are English (handwritten type) and stick (capital type).
High quality laser engraving
We will inform you of the maximum length of the engraving to be done, according to the text to be written, the desired font and the available space on the ring, in order to have an aesthetic and proportional result.
We carry out a high quality laser engraving, which we charge 20 euros since it requires precision work. This type of engraving is a method that requires a laser beam to accomplish the meticulous work. Laser engraving has many advantages over traditional machine engraving methods (dry point engraving) including precision and fine finishing. Moreover, laser engraving is permanent, unalterable and aesthetic.
However, you should know that there will be no i-diamants engraving on the ring of your ring, these engravings are only used to protect the photos of our site against any plagiarism.
French jewellery
Our slogan :
Passion, Authenticity, Expertise
Certified diamonds
By 3 world-renowned laboratories:
De Hantsetters, diamonteers since 1888
Customer service at your service, provided by diamond dealers
All our diamonds are independently certified by 3 world-renowed organisations
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