
For a direct search of our website on search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing... be careful to spell the name correctly: write "i-diamants" and not "idiamant, idiamants" nor "ediamants, ediamant..."
If you write (in the Google search engine, for example) our name as idiamant, idiamants or whatever... you can still find us in the results on the first page.
For more information on this point of commercial naming and referencing, please contact the i-diamants sales department at +33 (0)4 22 45 08 70.
Why did we choose to put an "s" and write "i-diamants" instead of "i-diamant" or "idiamant"?
First of all, of course, because our site references much more than just one diamond, to offer you a wide choice! But also for a more hidden reason: Willy De Hantsetters wanted to put the first letter of his son's name "Sami" in the name of the site. And Sami De Hantsetters took over the management of the site idiamant, sorry i-diamants with one - and one s:) thanks to this little clarification and technical memo, we hope you will never spell i-diamant but i-diamant the name of our site.
Why i-diamant "s" and not e-diamant or e-diamants?
Many people spell the name of our site with an "e": "e-diamant" or "e-diamants" like "e-mail". We should say ail-diamant like ail-phone, so that it is written i-diamant, ah not idiamant, uh sorry i-diamants, as in iphone, imac... The i simply means internet. Created in 1999, our site was the first French site on diamonds and it was the time of descriptive names for websites.
What is the mission of i-diamants (not idiamant:)?
i-diamants is a website specialized in the online sale of diamonds and jewelry to individuals. Created in 1999 by Willy De Hantsetters, it has chosen a positioning based on the quality of the offer and the availability of customer service. The offer is thus voluntarily selective (less but better): a selection of well-chosen diamonds and jewels, all of which are made in France to a high standard. The diamonds offered are certified by the 3 largest gemmological laboratories: HRD, IGI and GIA. The customer service of idiamant, ah decidedly... I wanted to write i-diamants... is ensured by diamond dealers and jewelers of trade to your listening.
De Hantsetters, diamonteers since 1888
Customer service at your service, provided by diamond dealers
All our diamonds are independently certified by 3 world-renowed organisations

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