Diamond investment

Investment diamond ?


 By nature, in spite of its vocation to be given as a gift -which removes it from the market for a very long time, often forever, and increases its natural scarcity-, the diamond is a durable, tangible good, therefore a possible investment good with a marketable power in the long term.


It is a non-fugitive "currency", easy to transport, benefiting from a clear and globally recognized classification system, which has a historically stable exchange value, and which is not subject to manipulation by a state: an apolitical currency. It is a decorrelated value, also disconnected from the financial markets.

  large diamond investment

The diamond, like the art object - painting, sculpture, ... - is not primarily intended to be an investment object in which to place one's money, but it can be and is, as the results of the auctions of famous houses attest.

The genius of the grain of folly often gives reason to the investment in the exceptional, in beauty, and one often discovers wisdom.

Investment in diamonds belongs to those who understand women (*) and men, the march of the world, the "universal" of luxury, the eternal of indestructible desire, the brilliance of the object of desire, the quest for the unattainable star, the quest for the diamond. Wearing a diamond is a way of expressing self-esteem, of investing in the confidence in one's value: when you wear your diamonds they give you a "free and princely" character, exceptional.

(*) "What woman wants... God wants it", and the woman knows what she wants, always. Understand who will... The diamond is a value linked to desire, to love, to beauty, and therefore an eternal and universal value, safe.

The practice of investing in diamonds is a reality, has its followers, its reasons. In today's world, with unprecedented monetary policies (Quantitative Easing, negative interest rates practiced by central banks, a collossal debt) a bet on safe and tangible values such as diamonds is not insane, it is also the product that allows to concentrate the value of the investment with a minimum of physical encumbrance.
Investing in a diamond "with the objective that it will pay off later" (money), when "you have to have it" in the present to be able to own it, is a bet on the future, a hope of owning more or losing less, for those you love. One can also give the diamond directly to those one loves: in love the gift is unconditional, but the relationship unlimited! ("What strength is there in the diamond that in giving it so much more is returned to us?)


"... Life does not last long, time demands its tribute. As long as you live, shine!
(Seikilos, Asia Minor)


We invite individuals, and this in a general way, to apply elementary rules of vigilance before any investment: no commercial speech should make you forget that there is no gain without risk; obtain a minimal base of information on the companies or intermediaries that offer you the product (corporate identity, country of establishment, civil liability, rules of organization, etc.); invest only in what you understand (and like). A good investment is always the result of good thinking.

French jewellery

Our slogan :

Passion, Authenticity, Expertise

Certified diamonds

By 3 world-renowned laboratories:

les certifications des diamants

De Hantsetters, diamonteers since 1888

Customer service at your service, provided by diamond dealers

All our diamonds are independently certified by 3 world-renowed organisations


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