Differences between natural diamonds and lab-grown diamonds


Laboratory diamonds are attracting a lot of attention lately, as some claim that they are identical to natural diamonds and are ethical diamonds because they are environmentally friendly. Here are four essential differences to be aware of in order to distinguish natural from synthetic diamonds. Everyone must decide for themselves whether to buy jewelry made of natural or synthetic stones according to their own personal ethics, but it is important that you are well informed of the differences between these two types of stones in order to make your choice. We also invite you to read our article: ethical diamonds.



Natural and synthetic diamonds have different emotional values


Natural diamonds were created billions of years ago under enormous pressure about 150km below the earth's surface. Eternal, they are a true miracle of nature, symbols of beauty and lasting love for centuries. For the most important moments of a love life (engagement, wedding, birth...), diamonds have always been the ideal gift to carry the message of a rare and unique story. Synthetic diamonds, on the other hand, are the opposite of nature's miracle: artificially produced, they are certainly fashionable today, but without the same history, the same heritage or the same emotional value as natural stones. As a result, synthetic diamonds are perceived primarily as fashion jewelry rather than as an authentic symbol of true and lasting love.

Natural and laboratory diamonds have different financial values


Because of their rarity, natural diamonds have a significant financial value. There is perhaps no other resource on earth that retains its value as long. And that value is rising all the time: the scarcity and demand for natural diamonds increases year after year, protecting their financial value over the long term. In contrast, lab-grown diamonds cost only a few hundred dollars per carat to produce and have a financial value that can only decrease - as is the case with any industrial product that can be created in unlimited quantities. The price of natural diamonds is expected to continue to rise in the coming years, while the price of laboratory diamonds will inevitably fall as the economies of scale of production increase.

Natural and synthetic diamonds are actually different stones


Although diamonds created naturally by the earth and man-made synthetics may appear identical to the naked eye, there are important differences that are easily detected with detection equipment. On the one hand, natural inclusions were formed deep in the earth: they often contain perfectly preserved elements that are billions of years old and of great scientific value. On the other hand, the rapid artificial growth process of synthetic diamonds leaves traces and defects inside the stone. They often need to be treated for color to correct the distortions created during the industrial production process. For more information on this point, we recommend you also read our article: synthetic diamond.

Natural and laboratory diamonds have different environmental impacts


Companies making lab-grown diamonds have claimed that their stones are environmentally friendly. However, the negative impact of synthetic diamonds on the environment is very significant. Unlike natural diamonds, which were created under natural heat and pressure over billions of years, the manufacture of synthetic diamonds requires the use of enormous amounts of energy over just a few weeks. The chemical reactors used to make stones larger than half a carat burn at a scorching 14,000 degrees Fahrenheit (7760 degrees Celsius) and are extremely energy intensive. In comparison, the surface of the sun is only 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit (5538 degrees Celsius).

For more information, we also suggest you read our article:

5 Essential Truths to Know About Diamonds

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